Friday, November 13, 2015


Hi everyone--

The past few months have been filled with highs and lows. As many of you know, we have been raising money to purchase a piece of land in the township of Alexandra, which is where many of the kids we work with live. In July, after two years of searching, we put an offer in on a piece of land. The excitement was overwhelming--the dream God placed in my heart a few years ago was finally being fulfilled. However, a few weeks later we realised that there were some issues with the purchase. Long story short, it looked like the deal was going to fall through. It was honestly heartbreaking. I felt so many different emotions in those unknown months. A couple of weeks ago, I heard final word that the deal had fallen through. I didn't understand why God had brought us here just to tell us no.

And then a couple of days later, my estate agent called me with news. The owner of the land right beside the first one was willing to sell! After putting in an offer, we found out a few days later that it had been accepted. We paid the deposit on Monday, so it seems that we finally have a home for The Hidden Place!

The last few months and years haven't always been the easiest. I've always known that the dream for the Hidden Place wasn't just camp. The camps were always designed to be the springboard for discipleship and relationship with kids and families in the townships we work in. The vision has always been much bigger than 2 camps a year. And now, that vision is beginning to become a reality.

The next few months hold lots of unknowns. The process is really just beginning. First of all, we have to raise the remainder of the money that is needed to buy the land. Then, we have to clear the land and level the land and put up fencing. Only then can we begin to build the centre that I hope will greatly impact the community. It's an exciting time, but it's also a scary time. The truth is, I feel in over my head. But I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. It is in moments of discomfort and unknowns that faith is developed. That relationship is developed.

I ask that you will come alongside the hidden place and join us on this amazing journey. You can join us by contributing financially to the purchase of the land and the ministry that we will continue to be involved in during this process. You can support us by praying and spreading the word. I believe that God truly has something great in store. He is faithful. And His timing is perfect. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Greater Things to Come

The news that I’ve been longing to hear came today--the offer to purchase on the land in Alex was signed today! I’ve been reading through newsletters and blogs from the past year and a bit, remembering the journey that has brought us here. So many hopeful moments, meetings, and land viewings--so many times that I got my hopes up just to be let down. And all the while, God knew the exact piece of land that was right for us. And He has finally led us to it.

Today brought lots of excitement, as well as some fear and anxiety. The desire for a place to grow the vision of the Hidden Place from has been a deep rooted one. One that I am thrilled to be watching come to fruition. However, today also comes with a new set of challenges. The first of which, is raising the necessary funds to secure the land. We need close to $100,000 in the next 2 months, and the truth is, those numbers really overwhelm me.
While I could continue with the list of challenges that will come, I’m fighting myself to do so. I’m doing my very best to take this one step at a time. The vision of The Hidden Place is an exciting one. One that goes far beyond 2 camps a year. It is a vision that desires to reach the children and families of Alexandra and other townships in Johannesburg with the gospel, and journeying with them on their walk with Christ. I believe that God has awesome things in store for this ministry. Things that are far greater than I initially imagined. And buying land is just a step in the process.

I am asking that you will partner with us, and prayerfully considering donating in order to help us purchase this land. It is a big dream, but one that I feel is from God. One that He is orchestrating step by step. If you would like to donate, you can go to and click on the pay-pal link OR you can make checks out to The Hidden Place and mail them to 26575 Johnson Ln. Toney, AL 35773. All donations are tax deductible and will go directly to making the dream of purchasing land for a center in the township a reality.

We appreciate you all so much. And we can’t wait to see what God is going to do.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

the way you should go

If you know much about the Hidden Place, I would assume that you know where that name comes from. Two nights ago, as I was experiencing such anxiety around decisions that needed to be made, I felt led back to the verse where this all began. Psalm 32:7--"You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble. You surround me with shouts of deliverance."

And then my eyes drifted to what comes next, if I'm honest, I had never really paid much attention to the next verse. But in that moment, I couldn't have imagined words any more perfect. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you."

I still can't figure out why I'm shocked when God speaks. But for some reason, I am. And on Tuesday night I was reminded that while I may not know all the answers, or even get a yes or no from God, I can be sure of one thing--His eye is always on me. He will instruct me, and if not with audible voice, than with the voices of those around me. He is a good Father, and He never leaves us on our own.

Today was a special day. Today I put in an offer on a piece of land in Alex--the place that has my heart, the place that feels more like home every time I go. It was a day that I've been longing for and dreaming of. You see, this has always been the dream. It was never just to have camps. It was always for something much more than that. The dream is to journey with children as they walk out their faith with Christ--their true hiding place. And if this offer is accepted, that dream will finally have a home.

Today I've been reminded that this dream is so much bigger than me. In my mind, it can become overwhelming. It presents many questions which are difficult to answer at the moment, and many hurdles that will have to be jumped over one by one. It isn't a quick easy process, so as I sit and wait for the answer to the offer, all I know to do is pray.

At the moment, I'm sitting in my house surrounded by candles. Often times the power being out annoys me, but tonight, I am thankful for the quiet. I'm thankful for the time to think and to dream, to seek and to thank.

Today is just the beginning. If the answer is yes, the next few months will be filled with more steps and decisions than my mind can process. We will need more support than ever--emotionally, spiritually, and financially. But I have no doubt that God will provide more than I could ever imagine as He always does. So here is to instruction, here is to counsel, and here is to God never leave us on our own. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


I will admit, it has been more difficult than usual to find the correct words for this blog. Words that I felt to be true and honest. The truth is, this week is one of the hardest for me. After the excitement of camp and having people around, the silence of this week is often deafening. It is in this week when I ask myself lots of questions--what is the next step for The Hidden Place? Where is God leading us? What more does He have for us to do? It's a week filled with prayer, a week filled with emotions, and a week filled with longing--a longing for this, and my life to make a true difference for His Kingdom.

The theme for camp #4 was "Not Home Yet"--which was birthed from a personal place. You see, as much as the last 6 months have been filled with excitement and joy in my own life, the lives of people around me seem to have been filled with pain and tragedy. I found myself broken over the loss of people in the community where I was raised. And not only that, but broken for the people who loved them. I've been broken over accidents and illnesses which affected the children in Alex which I have come to know and love. It's seems like all around me people are hurting. In those moments of brokenness, God reminded me that the only true hope we have as people is found in Him and a life with Him. "Not Home Yet" sought to be about how as believers we do not belong in this world, which is why we often experience pain and loss and hurt and loneliness. God had something different in mind, a world where we could walk in perfect communion with Him, but we messed that up in the garden. And nothing has been the same since.

With that being said, I didn't want it to be an "accept Jesus so you can get to heaven" kind of deal. You see, if heaven just for the sake of heaven is the goal, we've got it wrong. Our hearts should desire heaven because of the presence of God. The fact that we will get to one day sit around His throne in awe of Him, singing praises to Him without distraction--that is what I wanted these kids to know. And I can tell you, it was amazing to see. To see kids asking questions and wanting Jesus--not just what He could give them, was incredible.

Here is my personal struggle--the inbetween. I'm incredibly thankful for the promise of being at home with God one day. However, I have to remember that I'm here for a reason. You see, I have the opportunity to experience God now. I have the opportunity to talk with Him and love Him and live for Him now--that isn't something I have to wait for. But more than than, I've been commanded to love like Jesus loved. To care for the orphans and the widows, to make His name known to people who have never heard it. I've been commanded (not asked) to love my neighbour as myself, no matter who that neighbour happens to be.

You see, as Christians we can't just walk through this world longing for our future home. We must walk through it differently than other people--making the most of every day, and experiencing God now. Let us not get caught up in either extreme; rather, let us live in the in-between, living for God today, experiencing God today, loving people today, while clinging to the promise of our future home with Him.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cook Book :)

Hello Everyone :)

Here we are just 2 weeks away from camp, and we have some very exciting news! The Hidden Place will be publishing a cookbook! The cookbook will be compiled of recipes from people like you, and will be sold to help raise money for The Hidden Place!

We would love to have you share your favorite recipes with us, and there are a few ways you can do that!

1.) You can go to and use the WEB ID: 419-15CT to access the recipe center--just enter the WEB ID in the top right corner, no password necessary, and click login-here. When the page comes up, click on Short/Cut online and you will be brought to a page where you can type out your recipe! There is even a Traditional South African recipe section, so all my South African friends please join in the fun!

2.)  Holly and Michelle will be giving out forms at Wooley Spring, First Baptist Tanner, and Mars Hill Baptist--so if you are not comfortable using the website, you can submit your recipe this way.

The deadline to submit recipes is April 10th--so please make sure you get yours in before then! And please pass the word on so that we can get lots of people involved!

Thanks so much for your support and a HUGE thank you to Holly Tiemann and Michelle Richardson for heading up this project!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

the Almighty

I have moments in life, more than I would like to admit, when I forget who Jesus really is. Sure I "know" Him. Sure there are attributes in my life that say I follow Him. But there are numerous moments in my life when, in my hopelessness, I forget who He is.

When I arrived back in South Africa after a wonderful time in America, I felt an overwhelming sense of hopelessness when it came to The Hidden Place. I was expecting non-profit paperwork to be back so that we could move ahead with purchasing land. I was anxious about the small number of volunteers we had just 2 months before camp. And as I mentioned in my last blog, on two different occasions in one day, God reminded me of who He is.

You see, often times I go to Jesus as my comforter when things are going badly. I ask Him to give me wisdom. I ask Him to direct me. All of those things that we ask Him as His followers. However, there is one thing that I often don't seek Him as--the Almighty God.

I was striving to accomplish all these things in my own strength, and when they didn't happen, I went to God in my sadness and distress. But instead of initially asking Him to take care of these things, I just sought comfort.

When I finally began to put things in His hands, He showed up in a powerful way. In less than a month, we had 6 more people join the team for camp in March/April, and we received our non-profit company paperwork in South Africa.

Let us not forget who our God is. He is not only our comforter and our rest, not only our Saviour and our hope. He is also the Almighty God. The God who is capable of all things, big and small. Today, let us not only go to Him in our times of sadness and frustration and ask for comfort. Let us go to Him, give our situations over to Him, and ask Him to do something great--something that only He can do. And then, let us have faith to believe that He is capable of more than we can ever imagine. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

None like Him

Arriving in Johannesburg on Friday morning was a bit more overwhelming than I expected. A rush of emotions and memories came flooding over me. I remember the first time I walked through that airport, not knowing what to expect, and definitely not knowing that this would become my home. I have walked through that airport at all different seasons of life, each one God used to bring me closer to who He created me to be. I look back over the past four and a half years of my life, and I am so thankful. I am thankful for God's grace and for His redemption. He chose to use me--a normal, sinful, messed up girl, and for that I am most thankful. I'm amazed that I get to be a part of His story. I'm constantly amazed that He uses people who are far from perfect, people who struggle, people who fail--and He entrusts these people with making His name known. May I never let my fear of inadequacy, the fear that I'm not good enough to stand in the way of what He has called me to.

Returning to Edenvale Baptist yesterday was incredible. I felt like I was home--Carl and I were welcomed by our friends and congregation with such joy and excitement over our marriage. Richard, our pastor, is going through a series studying 2nd Chronicles, and I can honestly say his sermon hit me like nothing has in a long time. He spoke about the life of King Asa, and through that he spoke about seeking God, relying on God, and leaning into God. 2nd Chronicles 14:11 says this " And Asa cried to the lord his God, "O Lord, there is none like you to help between the mighty and the weak....."

You see, in the past few weeks I've become quite anxious about things with The Hidden Place. Land is not happening as quickly as we would have liked and the team for March is much smaller than we need it to be. For the first time in a while in this role, I feel like I'm not sure what to do. I don't know who else to call about land--I'm struggling to know what to do to make it happen. I'm not sure how to get more people to be a part of camp. I've felt helpless. And as I sat next to my husband yesterday and  shared where I was at, he encouraged me to push into God. He reminded me that His timing is perfect and His plan may be different than mine. He reminded me that God is the one I need to be seeking--the one I need to be relying on. And then Richard shared the above verse. My mind was blown. He is the one that will help me. And there is none better than Him to help.

With that being said, I ask you to come alongside me. I ask you to ask God to help. Seek Him--push into Him. I don't often do this, but I want to ask whoever is reading this to consider seriously coming to camp in March. I won't beat around the bush---we need you. We need people to join us in what God is doing here. I ask that you will join us in what God is helping us to do. Let's let go of what we think is best--let us let go of what we think is the right way to go--and let us beg God to help us. Let us seek Him and truly know what He is calling us to in each area of our lives and ministry.