Monday, March 11, 2013


Sometimes I wonder why God has chosen me to be a part of this ministry He has created. Most days I feel ill-equipped and unprepared---and everyday I feel unworthy. People have told me it is a great thing I am doing, but I am quick to tell them that I am the privileged one. For some reason, God has placed me in a position in which I get to live my dream each and every day--there is no sacrifice in that, only joy. And yet I still have moments when I feel responsible--when I feel like all of the weight of the success of The Hidden Place rests on my shoulders. I am realizing more and more that when that thought crosses my mind, I am basically saying that this is mine. I am claiming ownership on something that I was given.

The Lord is so very faithful. In spite of my doubts, failures, and shortcomings--God still chooses to give more than I could ever ask or imagine. I wonder where the finances are going to come from--and I am answered by people committing to donate monthly, or by a Sunday School class taking up an offering to sponsor two kids for a week at camp, or by a church spontaneously taking a love offering that was more gracious than I could ever have asked for. And it's almost like I hear God say, "Oh ye of little faith." Who do I think I am to doubt that God will provide for a ministry that He has placed me in? After all that I have seen Him do in my life, how can I still doubt His faithfulness to his children?

God is continuing to humble me--and overwhelm me with His love and the love of His people. To each of you who support The Hidden Place, whether financially or through prayer and encouragement, thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for partnering with me to take the love of Christ to the precious children of South Africa. Thank you for being faithful, for giving sacrificially, and for loving like He does.

Everyday I get more and more excited about what God has in store. Some days I am giddy with excitement and some days I am humbled to tears about what God is doing. He truly is faithful.