Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A long awaited beginning

As I begin to write this blog, I am actual brought to tears. I am watching my dream become a reality--what a mighty God we serve. 8 years ago when I knew God was calling me into full time ministry, I could have never dreamed of what the journey would entail. The dream of the Hidden Place has been in my heart for so many years--many late night conversations with God, my parents, and close friends has led to this beginning.

For those of you who don't know let me explain what the Hidden Place is...

God has given me a passion for working with children, primarily through the avenue of camps. I have seen what joy a camp experience can bring to a child. Camp is an opportunity for children to get away from home to build relationships, enjoy new experiences, and most of all learn what it means to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I have seen the difference a camp experience can make in the life of a child, and I believe it is the desire of God to allow children around the world to have that experience. 

The children that I have worked with over the past few years have stolen my heart. The world they come from is sometimes unimaginable. They are exposed to things that no child ever should be. The desire of my heart is to provide an opportunity for these children to have a week away from home in a place where they can experience the love of God in a real way. My prayer is that the Hidden Place will serve as a location where kids can come to escape from the worries and problems they are faced with every day. A place where they can seek refuge in the arms of Christ. 

In the coming months, we will be trying to get the word out about the Hidden Place. I want people to have the opportunity to partner with us to minister to these children. We are in the process of becoming a registered NPO and will be desiring to raise financial resources in the coming months. More than anything, we ask for your prayers. Pray that God will open specific doors that will lead us to where we desire to go in this ministry--Pray for the children that will attend our first camp in September--Pray for resources to come available that we are in need of--Pray for the leadership that we are led by God to make wise decisions--

In the coming weeks we will have our website up and running, and as soon as that happens I will share the link here. Until then, you can email me with any questions at the following address- 

Thank you for your support....

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