Sunday, January 18, 2015

None like Him

Arriving in Johannesburg on Friday morning was a bit more overwhelming than I expected. A rush of emotions and memories came flooding over me. I remember the first time I walked through that airport, not knowing what to expect, and definitely not knowing that this would become my home. I have walked through that airport at all different seasons of life, each one God used to bring me closer to who He created me to be. I look back over the past four and a half years of my life, and I am so thankful. I am thankful for God's grace and for His redemption. He chose to use me--a normal, sinful, messed up girl, and for that I am most thankful. I'm amazed that I get to be a part of His story. I'm constantly amazed that He uses people who are far from perfect, people who struggle, people who fail--and He entrusts these people with making His name known. May I never let my fear of inadequacy, the fear that I'm not good enough to stand in the way of what He has called me to.

Returning to Edenvale Baptist yesterday was incredible. I felt like I was home--Carl and I were welcomed by our friends and congregation with such joy and excitement over our marriage. Richard, our pastor, is going through a series studying 2nd Chronicles, and I can honestly say his sermon hit me like nothing has in a long time. He spoke about the life of King Asa, and through that he spoke about seeking God, relying on God, and leaning into God. 2nd Chronicles 14:11 says this " And Asa cried to the lord his God, "O Lord, there is none like you to help between the mighty and the weak....."

You see, in the past few weeks I've become quite anxious about things with The Hidden Place. Land is not happening as quickly as we would have liked and the team for March is much smaller than we need it to be. For the first time in a while in this role, I feel like I'm not sure what to do. I don't know who else to call about land--I'm struggling to know what to do to make it happen. I'm not sure how to get more people to be a part of camp. I've felt helpless. And as I sat next to my husband yesterday and  shared where I was at, he encouraged me to push into God. He reminded me that His timing is perfect and His plan may be different than mine. He reminded me that God is the one I need to be seeking--the one I need to be relying on. And then Richard shared the above verse. My mind was blown. He is the one that will help me. And there is none better than Him to help.

With that being said, I ask you to come alongside me. I ask you to ask God to help. Seek Him--push into Him. I don't often do this, but I want to ask whoever is reading this to consider seriously coming to camp in March. I won't beat around the bush---we need you. We need people to join us in what God is doing here. I ask that you will join us in what God is helping us to do. Let's let go of what we think is best--let us let go of what we think is the right way to go--and let us beg God to help us. Let us seek Him and truly know what He is calling us to in each area of our lives and ministry.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a marvelous job! You are an inspiration to so many! Your prayers will be answered in time!
