I am often times so quick to question God. Maybe not flat out--but in doubting something He has clearly guided me to, that is what comes through. It's actually quite crazy that I even have the audacity to doubt or question my Creator. It's like in Job 38, when God decides to speak to Job. In verse 4, God asks Job a question--"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding."
For the past few weeks I have been wondering how everything was going to come together for September. I know, it seems like a long time away, but it is less to do with the amount of time and more to do with it seeming impossible. I was in need of a major boost of faith--I know in my heart this is what I have been called to do. The Hidden Place is a dream that God constructed in my heart....Right when things began to seem overwhelming, I believe that the Holy Spirit led me to this passage in Psalms--
"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us--That Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nation." 67:1-2
Such a peace came over me. Who am I to question God when He is the very one who led me to this vision? I am at such awe at my Creator--that in spite of my abundant mess ups and doubts, that He still chooses to lead me to find peace in His word. He loves in such a way that I sometimes find it hard to fathom....
For the past few weeks I have been wondering how everything was going to come together for September. I know, it seems like a long time away, but it is less to do with the amount of time and more to do with it seeming impossible. I was in need of a major boost of faith--I know in my heart this is what I have been called to do. The Hidden Place is a dream that God constructed in my heart....Right when things began to seem overwhelming, I believe that the Holy Spirit led me to this passage in Psalms--
"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us--That Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nation." 67:1-2
Such a peace came over me. Who am I to question God when He is the very one who led me to this vision? I am at such awe at my Creator--that in spite of my abundant mess ups and doubts, that He still chooses to lead me to find peace in His word. He loves in such a way that I sometimes find it hard to fathom....
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