Friday, December 6, 2013

things above...

Hi everyone :)

I just wanted to take a moment to give you a little update on some exciting things that are in store for the Hidden Place, and also to share a little of what our Lord has been doing in my life.

First of all--thank you again for ALL your support, especially during the week of camp. The prayers that were being lifted up around the world were definitely felt--so thank you for playing such a big role in the first Hidden Place camp.

We are already looking forward to next year and have a few exciting things to share with you guys--

First of all--the first camp for next year will be from the 31 of March to the 4 of April. Volunteer spots are filling up fast so if you are interested please contact us at for more information

Secondly--we are in the process of having a few more churches in Alex sign on to partner with us. If this happens we will be able to reach more areas of Alex and have a greater support structure in place to minister to the kids and their families after camp.

Third--we are looking for land in Alex to build an office/resource center so that the Hidden Place has a base in the community from which to work. Please join us in praying that land becomes available and that we are able to secure it.

Finally--in 2014 we will be beginning small group bible studies around the community with kids who have attended our camps. Please pray that God will provide leaders who will join in helping lead small groups and that the material that they will go through will be what they need to hear.

In personal news, God has begun to open up doors that I'm very excited about. The place in Alex that I am currently tutoring at 2 days a week as offered me a full time volunteer position :) Basically I will be working Mon-Thurs from 1-5 tutoring primary school children and creating individual plans for them to work through during the year. By taking this position, I will be able to work with children (many of whom attended our camp in September--all of whom live at the local orphanage or live in child headed households) on a daily basis--focusing on building their education as well as speaking into their spiritual lives. I will also be able to live closer to the community from which the kids we minister to come from which will play a huge role in relationships in the community.

Also--I will be starting Zulu course at the local university in January! I am beyond excited---I've been waiting for the day when I was able to start learning a local language and the day has finally come!

I'm so thankful that God is opening doors which allow me to be closer to the community in which He has called me to serve :)

PLUS--I will be home one week from today!! So I'm looking forward to seeing many of you and catching up :)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

darkness into light :)

I can't believe camp has really come and gone. It was an unforgettable week where God truly changed lives--I'm just thankful to have been a part of it. Thank you for all your prayers and support--it truly made all the difference in the world. God showed up in a big way--bigger than I could have ever imagined.

The theme for the week was "from darkness into light"--and the truth is we saw that happen. I saw children walk in on Monday and walk away changed by the end of the week. And all of the credit for that goes to God. He is so faithful. We saw 35 children accept Christ as Saviour--and we also got to share in baptism with them.

I am so thankful to everyone who played a part in the first Hidden Place camp. There were people on 2 different continents that played a role in making this a reality--from financial support, to transportation, to toiletry bags and pillow cases for the kids--the list goes on and on. Just know that you are appreciated more than you could ever know.

Ok--the rest of this post is going to be pics :) enjoy!

:) Courtney

Monday, September 2, 2013

It's almost time :)

I honestly can't believe it--here we are 3 weeks away from camp. I didn't actually think the would ever come, and it is fast approaching. The emotions are varied--excitement, anxiousness, joy--it truly is a dream coming true.

God is incredibly faithful, and I can't believe it still shocks me. Never once has He failed me. Never once has He given me a task that could not be completed in His strength. Never once has He failed to provide exactly what I needed at exactly the right time. I've had moments when the list seemed to long or tasks seemed impossible, and every time He has provided in abundance.

The loose ends are beginning to be tied up, but there is still so much to be done. The final details are beginning to fall into place, and yet there are so many things that still need my attention. Please pray for strength, endurance, and wisdom in these coming weeks--I have no doubt that the evil one will do everything in His power to stop things from happening. However, we have a God who is greater. A God who is sovereign and in complete control. I'm thankful that He is fighting for me. I am thankful that He will accomplish all that He wants to in His own power.

There are so many exciting moments on the horizon. On the 15th I will be speaking at an open day at the church we are partnering with in Alex. I will be sharing the vision of The Hidden Place with the church, as well as with the parents of the kids that will be attending camp. My prayer is that the impact doesn't end at camp, but that it is a starting point of discipleship with the families. Please pray that God will begin to soften hearts to His Gospel. Then in just a little over 2 weeks, the team from America arrives! I cannot wait to see all of them and have a piece of home here for a few weeks :) Please pray that as they journey here things will go smoothly and that God will begin to prepare their hearts for what He has in store.

Thank you guys so much for your support and encouragement--it is incredible. Please continue to pray in the weeks to come--Pray for the hearts of kids and leaders--Pray that God would do more than we could ever ask or imagine. All I desire is that His name is honored and made known.

Love to you all--

Thursday, June 20, 2013

An Update.....

Hey everyone :) 

It's been a while...sorry for that. Things have just been crazy on this side of the world. Thank you for your continued love, support, prayers, and encouragement. They are truly priceless.

So many prayers have been answered in the past few weeks, and you play a huge part in that. Thank you. Here are just a few---

1. The crate is officially on a boat--in the Atlantic Ocean--on it's way here! Yay! I can't begin to tell you the craziness we went through (and when I say we, I mainly mean my parents--give them a hug when you see them--they deserve it!) but it will all be worth it when it arrives on this side! Please pray for its safe and timely arrival. Thanks to everyone who played a part in filling it up! 

2.A church in Alexandra (the township I volunteer in and where the kids attending The Hidden Place in September live) has committed to partner with us! This is a huge answer to prayer--my desire was always bigger than bringing kids away to camp for a week. Through this partnership, we will be able to follow up with the kids and their families and hopefully begin a discipleship program! PLUS the pastor has committed to recruiting the kids for each camp--another HUGE answer to prayer. He is involved in community development and will be able to reach kids that I would not have access to otherwise. Please continue to pray for Pastor Charles as he heads up recruitment

3. I am finally having some direction as far as the theme for September goes--I'm not quite ready to tell everyone--but I am thankful that God is giving some direction. 

I have been back in SA for 2 months--time flies. During that time I have had the opportunity to share the vision for The Hidden Place with countless people--God truly is doing great things! Please continue to pray.  for a few things. 1. for our non profit paperwork to come through  2. for a camp nurse to be organized 3. for transport for the kids to be organized (it's been quite frustrating) 4. for the theme to be finalized 5. and for general logistical issue and spiritual guidance. 

And otherwise I am doing well--God has brought some amazing new people into my life in the past couple of months. He has given me people who are helping develop the vision for The Hidden Place--and who are also encouraging me in my personal walk with Him.

I am tutoring primary school kids in Alex a few days a week--and I am loving it! They are just precious--please pray for them as they face many difficulties in their lives. I am also helping out at the coffee shop at my church here as a way to offset expenses which has been a great blessing. 

I am truly looking forward to the coming months--there is SO much to be done, but God is guiding each step of the way. I am learning patience and trust as He usually only gives me one step at a time--but I am learning that is all I need. Thank you for your prayers---keep them coming please :) 

Monday, May 6, 2013


Hello Everyone :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to be a part of this journey. Your support means more than you will ever know.

A quick update and prayer needs--then I would like to share a little of my heart with you.....

Since I have been here, the to-do list for September seems to have grown in leaps and bounds. I am beyond excited, but realizing that I will need every moment of the next 4 months to do all that needs to be done. I successfully bought 70 pillows for our little kiddos to use in September and transported them in my car--if you've seen my car you know this is quite a success story! I have also had the opportunity to meet with various people who will be a part of The Hidden Place in September. It has been such a privilege to share the vision with people and here there input. I am so thankful for the people God has placed in my life that are joining me on this journey in so many different ways.

Please continue to pray--there is so much to be done still. Pray that the correct people will be placed in my path to shape this into what God desires it to be. Pray that God clearly gives direction as to what Scripture we should focus on during the week--pray for the kids that will be joining us in September, pray that I have clear vision as to the direction the week should take--pray for the churches we will partner with to do follow up after the camp is over---

The list could honestly go on and on....just pray please--and allow the Holy Spirit to intervene.

Today I was reading in Psalm 1--let me share v.3 with you--"He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season. And its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers."

I don't know about you, but I would love for that verse to describe my spiritual life. I want to be planted--I want to yield fruit in my ministry for Christ--and I want the things I do for Him to prosper. However, what I am slowly realizing is that I desire the joyful, fruit-bearing times without graciously accepting the difficult seasons of pruning and growth. I'm not sure about you, but I don't know of any trees that are constantly bearing fruit--they must go through seasons of being pruned to produce fruit in the next given season. And yet as believers, we pray and ask God to deliver us from the difficult times--when instead we should be asking Him to use them to grow us into what He desires us to be. So that in season we will be able to produce fruit--let your Father prune you--allow Him to rid your life of the things that are holding you back from living the life He has for you.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Finally here..

Hey everyone--so I have been back in South Africa for a few days and just want ed to give everyone a little update on what is going on.

I arrived on Friday evening and have been doing my best to beat jet lag, unpack, and get settled. The main goal for this week is to spend some time with God focusing my mind on what He has me here for. I must say there have been many factors trying to steal my attention away; however, I am praying that God would help my mind to stay focused on what He has me here for.

The family I am living with is truly amazing. I am so thankful that they have opened there home up to me and taken me in as one of their own. Even though I am missing my family and they could never be replaced--I feel so blessed to have a "surrogate family" for this season in South Africa.

It has been wonderful to catch up with friends and be reminded of the beautiful, supportive network God has given me here. I truly am blessed with people who share life with me--we have laughed, cried, shared our hearts with one another, and rejoiced for what God has in store for the future. 

I have been reminded in so many moments in these past 3 days that God has me exactly where He wants me. I am privileged and honored to be able to live out my dream--and I know that takes place here. There are so many things left to figure out--to-do lists to cross off, meetings to arrange, logistics to sort out--and yet my heart is so at peace with the ministry God has given me. I am overjoyed.

I do ask for your prayers--while the past few days have been full of joy, there have also been some difficult circumstances to work through. God is faithful and I know His hand is on my life. However, I am human and facing some struggles. I ask that you pray that I will face these things head on and work through them so that I can continue to focus on why I am here. Pray that satan will not have a foothold in any area of my life--and that God will triumph in human weakness.

Thank you for your continued support--it is because of you that I get to live my dream every day! I will do my very best to keep you all updated on what is going on with The Hidden Place--thank you for sharing in my life with me. Thank you for being a part of the ministry He has so graciously given me. I can't wait to see what the future holds--and September isn't too far away :)

Monday, March 11, 2013


Sometimes I wonder why God has chosen me to be a part of this ministry He has created. Most days I feel ill-equipped and unprepared---and everyday I feel unworthy. People have told me it is a great thing I am doing, but I am quick to tell them that I am the privileged one. For some reason, God has placed me in a position in which I get to live my dream each and every day--there is no sacrifice in that, only joy. And yet I still have moments when I feel responsible--when I feel like all of the weight of the success of The Hidden Place rests on my shoulders. I am realizing more and more that when that thought crosses my mind, I am basically saying that this is mine. I am claiming ownership on something that I was given.

The Lord is so very faithful. In spite of my doubts, failures, and shortcomings--God still chooses to give more than I could ever ask or imagine. I wonder where the finances are going to come from--and I am answered by people committing to donate monthly, or by a Sunday School class taking up an offering to sponsor two kids for a week at camp, or by a church spontaneously taking a love offering that was more gracious than I could ever have asked for. And it's almost like I hear God say, "Oh ye of little faith." Who do I think I am to doubt that God will provide for a ministry that He has placed me in? After all that I have seen Him do in my life, how can I still doubt His faithfulness to his children?

God is continuing to humble me--and overwhelm me with His love and the love of His people. To each of you who support The Hidden Place, whether financially or through prayer and encouragement, thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for partnering with me to take the love of Christ to the precious children of South Africa. Thank you for being faithful, for giving sacrificially, and for loving like He does.

Everyday I get more and more excited about what God has in store. Some days I am giddy with excitement and some days I am humbled to tears about what God is doing. He truly is faithful.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

news :)

Hi everyone :) Thanks again for your interest and support in The Hidden Place. God is continuing to open doors, and we are excited to see all that He is going to do through this ministry.

Just a few bits of news to share--First of all, the website is officially up and running! Please check it out at and let us know your thoughts..

Some more exciting news is that I will be sharing about The Hidden Place at Mars Hill Baptist Church in Lawrenceburg, TN on the 10th of March, so please be in prayer concerning that.

And here is a way that you can get involved--we are holding a fundraiser at Pizza Inn in Ardmore on Tuesday the 12th of March from 5-8. All tips and 10% of sales go directly to supporting The Hidden Place. We would love to have you out to share in this night with us and enjoy dinner while helping to support us!

Please continue to pray for us as we are awaiting confirmation on non-profit status. We are praying that everything goes through within the next 6 weeks. Also join us in praying for the children we will minister to. September is right around the corner, and we are excited for what God has in store! 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Some days I wish I could wake up and it be September. My heart races at the thought of loading up fifty something kids in vans and starting this journey--I can't wait to meet them. I can't wait to see their beautiful faces and hear their sweet voices. I can't wait to run around with them, tuck them into bed at night, shares meals with them, and watch them try new things. I can't wait to share stories, tell jokes, and get to know what makes each one of them unique. But most of all, I can't wait to try and share the love of Jesus with them.

And then I realize how unworthy I am--A girl from North Alabama who is full of mess ups and sin and my own issues...who I am to get to have this chance?

My Jesus blows my mind. I have moments when the chaos stops, when I stop trying to figure out how everything will happen, and I just allow myself to get excited. In these moments I realize that He could very easily do this without me. I am utterly insignificant in the entire thing. On my own, I can't change a child's life. I can't impact them for eternity. I can't show them the compassionate and unfailing love of Jesus. I don't know why God chose this path for my life; I really don't--but I can tell you one thing, I am so glad He did.

He knows each face that will load that bus on Monday, each face that will lay down at night in a warm bed. He knows each of their names and their stories--all I can do is pray. Pray that the right people will come alongside us as we venture into the unknown of The Hidden Place.....and pray that what we do will not be in vain. Most importantly--pray that each precious child that embarks on this journey with us will know and experience the sweet love of Jesus.... 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Psalm 67

I am often times so quick to question God. Maybe not flat out--but in doubting something He has clearly guided me to, that is what comes through. It's actually quite crazy that I even have the audacity to doubt or question my Creator. It's like in Job 38, when God decides to speak to Job. In verse 4, God asks Job a question--"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding."

For the past few weeks I have been wondering how everything was going to come together for September. I know, it seems like a long time away, but it is less to do with the amount of time and more to do with it seeming impossible. I was in need of a major boost of faith--I know in my heart this is what I have been called to do. The Hidden Place is a dream that God constructed in my heart....Right when things began to seem overwhelming, I believe that the Holy Spirit led me to this passage in Psalms--

"God be gracious to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us--That Thy way may be known on the earth, Thy salvation among all nation." 67:1-2

Such a peace came over me. Who am I to question God when He is the very one who led me to this vision? I am at such awe at my Creator--that in spite of my abundant mess ups and doubts, that He still chooses to lead me to find peace in His word. He loves in such a way that I sometimes find it hard to fathom....

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Hi everyone! Just to let you know, the website will be live soon--it is still being worked on and finalized, so if you gain access, now that it isn't completely finished yet! I will post info here as soon as it is complete and ready for viewing!! Thanks for your support!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Time for an update :)

Hey everyone--I just wanted to fill everyone in on the progress that is being made with The Hidden Place and all that is going on. God is providing in some great ways--and your support has been so overwhelming. The amount of people asking me what they can do to help and contribute has blown me away--here are just a few of the things in the works right now:

--We are about a week away from obtaining corporation status, which is the last step before submitting our non-profit paperwork. Please pray as we begin that process--the paperwork is almost ready to go, but they have been known to return it quite a few times with no explanation of what is wrong. Please pray that the process goes smoothly!

--We have been trying to figure out how we are going to provide bedding for all of the kids at camp at a reasonable price. Thankfully, we found great blankets on clearance for $7.00 each earlier this week! Our family went to 6 malls in total to find enough, but we finally got them all. Now we just need to get them to South Africa--thankfully my parents and some other people from our church will be coming in September, so they will just have to pack a few extra tubs for the journey!

--My wonderful aunt has prepared prayer/support cards to send out--I will have them with me when I speak at churches, but if you are interested in getting one, you can e-mail me your address.

--I am excited to be meeting with a few churches in the coming weeks about the possibility of them partnering with The Hidden Place. I am excited to share this vision with people and hear their feedback. God is definitely opening doors, and I am excited for what He has in store!

--We wanted to be able to provide toiletry items for the kids that come to The Hidden Place, and thankfully our Awana program at church has offered to make that happen! They will be collecting travel size toiletry items for us! I am so thankful for a church that supports and assists in countless ways.

--The sewing ladies at our church will be making pillow cases for us to have for future camps! Another great answer to prayer so that we can provide bedding for the kids!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support! Please continue to pray for this ministry--that God would be glorified in every decision--and that we would seek His will in all we do. Please begin praying for the kids that we will minister to at the first camp in September-I can't wait to see what God has in store. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A long awaited beginning

As I begin to write this blog, I am actual brought to tears. I am watching my dream become a reality--what a mighty God we serve. 8 years ago when I knew God was calling me into full time ministry, I could have never dreamed of what the journey would entail. The dream of the Hidden Place has been in my heart for so many years--many late night conversations with God, my parents, and close friends has led to this beginning.

For those of you who don't know let me explain what the Hidden Place is...

God has given me a passion for working with children, primarily through the avenue of camps. I have seen what joy a camp experience can bring to a child. Camp is an opportunity for children to get away from home to build relationships, enjoy new experiences, and most of all learn what it means to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I have seen the difference a camp experience can make in the life of a child, and I believe it is the desire of God to allow children around the world to have that experience. 

The children that I have worked with over the past few years have stolen my heart. The world they come from is sometimes unimaginable. They are exposed to things that no child ever should be. The desire of my heart is to provide an opportunity for these children to have a week away from home in a place where they can experience the love of God in a real way. My prayer is that the Hidden Place will serve as a location where kids can come to escape from the worries and problems they are faced with every day. A place where they can seek refuge in the arms of Christ. 

In the coming months, we will be trying to get the word out about the Hidden Place. I want people to have the opportunity to partner with us to minister to these children. We are in the process of becoming a registered NPO and will be desiring to raise financial resources in the coming months. More than anything, we ask for your prayers. Pray that God will open specific doors that will lead us to where we desire to go in this ministry--Pray for the children that will attend our first camp in September--Pray for resources to come available that we are in need of--Pray for the leadership that we are led by God to make wise decisions--

In the coming weeks we will have our website up and running, and as soon as that happens I will share the link here. Until then, you can email me with any questions at the following address- 

Thank you for your support....