I've been sitting in bed for the past 30 minutes trying to will my mind to rest. Today it hit me how insane the next few months are going to be. Just a disclaimer, this blog might be a little out of the ordinary, but I felt like letting people in to more than just the hidden place aspects of life. I just wanted to be me and share a glimpse into this season.
Camp is in less than two months, and believe me that alone usually is a bit overwhelming. I honestly cannot wait--and I believe that we are going to have an incredible team, both from the States and from South Africa. We are going to have close to 10 leaders at camp who have been before--what a blessing! I have no doubt that this is going to make my job a little less stressful, and God definitely knew that this was the time I was going to need that.
Tomorrow marks 5 months til the wedding. And yes I know 5 months is a long time. But let me just tell you all that is going to happen in that time. On the first of September Carl moves into our new home!! yay :) Which means moving furniture, cleaning, painting, and organising a new home. Thankful we will have time to get his stuff settled and the house decorated before it is officially our home together in January. The next month brings camp and all the things that entails :)
And during this time I will be studying for my FINAL semester!! Woop! I applied for graduation from NOBTS for December of THIS YEAR! I never thought I would be able to write those words :)
On top of these events, we are still working quite diligently on finding land for The Hidden Place in Alex. And I'm happy to say we are making progress! I am currently working on getting our non-profit and tax-free status here so that we are able to get a better price from the government. Please please please keep this in your prayers. We are hopeful that we will have land by the end of the year...
I am also still working at the tutor centre 4 days a week. It has been so great in the past few weeks to have extra volunteers join our team--this means I have extra time to spend with my older elementary kids working on skills they really need to develop.
Needless to say, it is quite a busy time. Please pray for me--pray that I will be able to really focus on my relationship with Christ. Pray that I wouldn't wish this season away, but I would allow God to use it to develop whatever He needs to in me before next year.
Please pray for Carl as this is also a crazy busy time for him. Also please pray for my amazing family in America. My parents and my sisters are truly going above and beyond to make all the events in this season go as smoothly as possible. I am so thankful for the support system that they are.
Believe me--I know all of these events are nothing compared to the lives of many people. I just wanted to let you all in and ask for your prayers. My desire is to stay focused on what God wants to do in and through The Hidden Place in the next few months. I truly believe He has great things in store.
Thank you all for your support. Thank you for your encouragement and love. I'm so blown away at this life I get to live :)
bye for now!